Africa Wild Truck an Africa T for Ibo school
It is a reality we have met once more in our way for AROUND AWT, this time between Turin and Africa, that we feel like supporting with vim, aware that, through responsible consumption, all of us can improve.
Africa T is a responsible fashion project linking two distant worlds through the work of two women. One lives and works in Turin, in Italy, the other one in Cape Town, in South Africa. Africa T is an ideal fundraising bridge between two geographically distant realities that connect two cultures to narrow physical distances and contribute to the realization of small projects developed in the African continent.
The 30% of the earnings from the sale of Africa T products funds real projects that are currently being carried out in Cape Town in the area of education, microfinance and support to local enterprises. This contribution supports the development of projects in progress and keeps attention to fundraising initiatives in Africa.
The apparel and objects made by Africa T are manufactured by companies meeting with strict standards of excellence and work ethic. They ensure very high quality standards. The packaging they use are accomplished with completely biodegradable and eco-compatible materials.
That’s why Africa Wild Truck decided to order some clothing to Africa T with the brand Africa Wild Truck!
One interesting project to which part of Africa T’s proceeds in the area of education is assigned is the school of Ibo Island in Mozambique, a country that Africa Wild Truck knows well (Francesca Guazzo and Stefano Pesarelli are authors of travel guides among which Mozambique, Ed. Polaris, 2010).
In this area there is a primary school with mixed classes, without any specific program for younger children. With the collaboration of public institutions and the coordinators of Continent Africa, a new class of Montessorian pedagogic inspiration, for children between 3 and 5, has been activated. The classes are taught in English to help the youngest becoming friendly with this very important linguistic instrument, whose knowledge is essential to communicate with tourists of any nationality, a key economic resource for the present and future growth of the country.