AfricaWildTruck prize, photo contest Asferico 2016. That is what it is.

Win the prize trekking / hiking with Africawildtruck on Mount Mulanje, Malawi, participating in the photo contest of nature photography Asferico 2016!
Wildlife photography is your passion? Well, it is also ours!

For this reason we decided to put up for grabs in the competition Asferico 2016, a prize quite unique, allowing you to take more pictures incredible: a trekking / hiking 10 days on Mount Mulanje in which the winner will participate .


Please read the contest rules. The part that struck us most is ethics:

Subjects must be photographed in their natural environment. Photos of pets and animals bred in captivity, birds in their nest as well as photos of cultivated plants or landscapes including human elements, will not be accepted. The jury reserves the right to reject images which may be in contrast with the ethic of the contest. 

AfricaWildTruck prize, photo contest Asferico 2016. 


A – Landscape
The majesty of a scenario or the intimacy of a glimpse represent the inspiration of every photographer, who has to instill the feeling of amazement given by the uncontaminated nature.

B – Underwater worlds
The underwater world is unknown to most people. Thousands of creatures of all shapes and sizes, from marine to freshwater environments, are fascinating subjects whose life can be portrayed with a click able to tell their essence in a unique and unforgettable experience.

C – Mammals

D – Birds

E – Other animals
C – D – E The fantastic diversity of shapes, behaviors and relationships of the animal kingdom can be pictured through portraits, settings or action scenes able to instill the character or the soul of the subject in an original and exciting way.

F – Plants and fungi
The delicacy of a flower or the strength of an ancient tree are few examples of a biodiversity that can be portrayed in many different ways through the sensitivity of a careful observer.

G – Composition and forms
The beauty of nature can be resumed with imagination and creativity, playing with shapes and colors and with blurry and reflections while looking for unique and personal visions.

H – Urban nature
Many species adapt to the urban environment, finding living spaces near to mankind, hided but in view. The pictures should resume the beauty and adaptability in urban contexts of wild plant and animal species.

Maurizio Biancarelli (Italy), wildlife photographer
Emanuele Biggi (Italy), wildlife photographer & tv presenter
Marco Ferrari (Italy), scientifi editor of Focus Magazine
Paul Harcourt Davies (United Kingdom), wildlife photographer
Sven Začek (Estonia), wildlife photographer


December 8, closing dates.

Good luck to all participants of Asferico photo contest and we hope to know you in Malawi for claiming your prize!