Flying to Malawi for a safari? The tourist visa is free again!

Flying to Malawi for a safari? The tourist visa is free again from 1 January 2023.

“Minister of Tourism, Culture and Wildlife” Michael Usi announced great news today!

Who it’s for: Tourists who will enter the country for a trip to Malawi.

Effective January 1, 2023, the government will waive the fees of VISA, the mandatory visa.

Usi told Zodiak Online, a local radio station in the country, today.

“Tourists have, in the past, faced too many difficulties when processing their visa online.”

Hence the decision to ensure that many more tourists are attracted to Malawi. Usi specified that citizens of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Italy, France, Poland, the Nordic countries (Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden), China, Russia and Canada will benefit from this decision.

Are you planning your trip to Malawi?

Malawi is a Central African country of great contrasts located in the landlocked Rift Valley.

Officially it is the Republic of Malawi. It borders Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia. Its compact position and its surface area of ​​about 1/3 of Italy really represent a great advantage for those traveling in Malawi.

In fact, in just a few kilometres, you pass from the plateau (average altitude 1200-1400 m) to the valleys and the great Lake Malawi (average altitude 450 m).

For this great variety, which boasts such different ecosystems and landscapes, a trip to Malawi is rich and very varied. Mountains (Mulanje Mountain, 3002 m), lakes (Lake Malawi occupies 20% of the territory), rivers, hills and forests are one of the reasons why we chose Malawi as our base.

“The warm hearth of Africa”, the warm heart of Africa.

Travel with us to Malawi!

Voli in Malawi per un safari? Il visto turistico

Voli in Malawi per un safari? Il visto turistico